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17 results

Oncoprot (29 November 2020)

proteins in a complex sample. This procedure can be applied to classical FFPE tumor sections and compatible to biopsies.   Activities To identify signature biomarkers in tumors To compare ... mass spectrometry, laser capture, laser microdissection, proteome, tumors

Team 1 - Liver Cancer and Tumor Invasion (25 February 2022)

axes: Mediators of liver carcinogenesis (beta-catenin, RhoGTPases, translation factors) Molecular bases of tumor invasion (Invadosomes, Type I Collagen, discoidin domain receptors, Rho ... Team 1 - Liver Cancer and Tumor Invasion

Publication from Team 1 in JCB (06 April 2017)

the protrusion-localization sequence in p190A and show that cancer-associated mutations in this region affect p190A localization and function as well as tumor cell migration. related publication: Journal of Cell ... Regulating Rho GTPases at the right place: lessons from tumors

Group V. Moreau (25 February 2022)

Mar 13:1-12. (Review). Paysan L*, Piquet L*, Saltel F, Moreau V. Rnd3 in Cancer: a Review of the Evidence for Tumor Promoter or Suppressor. Mol Cancer Res, 2016 Nov;14(11):1033-1044. *equal ... Our research focuses on the molecular bases of hepatic tumor cell invasion.

Group F. Saltel (25 February 2022)

Research Metastases development at a distance from a primary site of cancer represents the principal cause of cancer-related mortality. Presently, there is no efficient way to block tumor cell ... The overall project is to identify, at cellular and tissue levels, molecular pathways involved in tumor progression.

Team 1 awarded FRM label 2018 (05 September 2018)

The "Liver Cancer and Tumor Invasion" team from BaRITOn led by Violaine Moreau and Frédéric Saltel, has just been awarded the "FRM Team of the Fondation de la Recherche Médicale" label.

New publication of Team 1 in Nature Cell Biology (21 September 2020)

ER-resident oxidoreductases surface to promote matrix degradation and tumor invasiveness   Manon Ros, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Joanne Chia, Son Le Tran, Xavier Le Guezennec, Ruth McDowall, Sergey ... identified a new role of the ER-resident Calnexin and its partner Erp57 at the cell surface that promotes tumor cell invasion.

Organization of the Unit (10 July 2020)

The BaRITOn unit is composed of three INSERM teams. Team 1 - Liver cancer and tumor invasion Team 2 - Helicobacter infection: Inflammation and Cancer Team 3 - Oncogenesis of cutaneous

Postdoctoral position in Team 1 (01 February 2021)

is focused at investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cell invasion in liver in interaction with the matrix tumor microenvironment. We collaborate with clinicians and pathologists

V. Moreau received an FRM award for BaRITOn Team #1 (11 November 2019)

. The "Liver Cancer and Tumor Invasion" team from BaRITOn led by Violaine Moreau and Frédéric Saltel, has been awarded the "FRM Team of the Fondation de la Recherche Médicale" label. This prestigious label