Fondation Bergonié price for Arnaud Jabouille (Team1)

Dr. Arnaud Jabouille (Team1) obtained the Josy Reiffers price from the Fondation Bergonié.

  • 18/01/2021

On Monday, December 7, Arnaud Jabouille was awarded by the Josy Reiffers Grant, created in memory of Professor Josy Reiffers, at the initiative of the Bergonié Enterprise Foundation, the New Aquitaine Region, Bordeaux Métropole and the City of Bordeaux. This year, this prize recognizes three young researchers for their work in oncology as part of a postdoctoral research project.

Arnaud Jabouille’s project aims to study the role of the translation factor EIF3H in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

See here the Arnaud Jabouille’s interview on the French TV (from time 5:20 min)